Relating differently to our thoughts: Our thoughts have a powerful effect on our mood, and all too often we get stuck in our heads and allow our thoughts to dictate how we feel. But our thoughts are just thoughts, nothing more, and we don't need to let them control us like this. In this session, we'll learn two ways we can relate to our thoughts differently than we usually do that can take away their power and help us change the way we feel.
Lessons 6 and 7 cover a great deal of new material and take longer to complete than previous sessions. In order to get the most out of this session, it's best if you can complete it over more than one sitting.
Worksheets: You can download or print off the worksheets we'll be using this session in advance using the links below:
Links for the worksheets are also included at the relevant part of each lesson, so you'll be able to download or open them then if you prefer.
Audio Files: All of the audio files we use throughout the program are embedded for playback at the relevant part of each lesson. You can also download them in advance below. We'll be using the following audio files during this session:
Other Materials: