Online MBCT/MBSR Lesson 2

Body Scan Worksheet

Complete the Body Scan Worksheet below in your notebook, or open or download a PDF or Word version. Remember that there are no right or wrong experiences to have when being mindful. These worksheets are designed to help you explore your experiences and be curious about them, not to judge them, or to judge yourself for having them.

Body Scan Worksheet

Spend a few minutes reflecting on what this experience was like for you and then answer the questions below. Remember that there are no right or wrong experiences to have when being mindful. These worksheets are designed to help you explore your experiences and be curious about them, not to judge them, or to judge yourself for having them.

  1. What did you  notice about your body and the sensations you experienced?
  3. Were there any particularly strong, uncomfortable or painful sensations that grabbed your attention, and if so, how did you respond to them?  (Were you able to simply acknowledge their presence? Were they difficult to let go? Anything else?)
  5. What did you notice about your thoughts and what was going through your mind?
  6. When your mind wandered, where did it go? What were you thinking about?
  8. What did you do when you noticed your mind has wandered? (Did you criticize yourself? Commend yourself for having noticed? Acknowledge it and redirect your attention back to where you wanted it? Find it difficult to let go of the thoughts? Anything else?)
  10. Describe any feelings or emotions that came up during the meditation. Did they correspond with any particular part of  your body?
  12. What did you do when you became aware of these feelings? How well were you able to simply observe them and allow them to be, without reacting to them?
  14. What thoughts did you have during this meditation about:
    1. your body sensations?
    2. your thoughts?
    3. your feelings and emotions?
  16. What thoughts or judgements—positive or negative—did you have about your experience during this meditation?
  18. What did you learn (about yourself, your body, your thoughts, your feelings and emotions, or anything else) from this meditation?