Online MBCT/MBSR Lesson 1

About the Online MBCT/MBSR Program

This program consists of 8 weekly sessions lasting about 2 hours each, and each session is structured in a similar fashion:

  • Begin with a mindfulness meditation
  • Discuss what the meditation was like for you and some common experiences and challenges that people have with it
  • Review the home practice from the week before
  • Introduce and discuss a new topic
  • Do another a mindfulness meditation or practice
  • Assign home practice for the week

You'll get much more out of the program if you're able to approach the material with your full attention. In order to do this, it's important to leave yourself enough time to complete each session so that you're not rushed. You'll also want to take sufficiently long breaks between sections to allow yourself to start each section feeling refreshed and with a focused mind. You may also wish to complete the material from a session over more than one sitting.

In each session there are a couple of places to take a break. These are indicated with a box like this:

Take a break, then continue to the next section.


If you wish to complete the session over more than one sitting, the best places to stop are indicated with a box like this:

Take a break before continuing to the next section. If you'd like to finish the session later, this is a good place to stop for now.


If you decide to work through an entire session in one sitting, you should leave yourself at least 2 hours. Lessons 6-8 are longer than the other sessions and cover a lot of material, and they will be difficult to complete all at once.

If you spread a session out over more than one day, continue doing the home practice from the previous session until you've completed the new session, and then don't begin the next session until you've had a week to do the home practice from the previous session.