Online MBCT/MBSR Lesson 1

About the Home Practice

Typically the home practice for an MBCT or MBSR program involves about 40-minutes to an hour of mindfulness meditations, practices and exercises per day. This amount of home practice is daunting and the biggest obstacle to sticking with an MBCT or MBSR program.

Because so many people find it difficult to devote this much time to the program, whenever possible, I'll provide shorter versions of most of the meditations in order to make the home practice more manageable and easier to fit into your daily routine. The shorter versions are only available if you've purchased the Downloads option, which you can upgrade to at any time.

While it's great if you are able to spend a full 40-minutes to an hour each day, the most important thing is to do the meditations and exercises on a daily basis. If you only have time to do the full meditations once or twice a week, or even not at all, that's fine, just do them whenever possible. But it is essential to do at least the shorter versions of the meditations on a regular basis between sessions, as this, more than anything else, will determine how much you get out of this program.

Doing a 10-minute mindfulness meditation every day, or even most days, is enough to allow you to learn the practice of mindfulness and benefit from this program, so please don't get discouraged if you find 40-minutes too long, and focus on finding a consistent, regular routine that you can manage.