Online MBCT/MBSR Lesson 2

Home Practice for Week 2

  1. Body Scan Meditation every day
    • preferable to do a shorter body scan every day than to do the full version just once or twice a week
    • complete the Body Scan Worksheet at least once
  3. Complete the Mindfulness of Pleasant Experiences Calendar daily
  5. Choose another everyday activity and do it mindfully every time you do it
  7. Choose 2-3 sounds and 2-3 experiences as bells of mindfulness.
  9. Do one of the “Following Your Breath” exercises from the previous page for 5-10 minutes every day, using the guided audios files if you like, or just doing them on your own
  11. Record your progress on the Home Practice Record Form

There are also three versions of the Mindfulness of Breath meditation you can try if you like: a 5-minute version, a 20-minute version, and a variable length version in which a bell sounds after 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30-minutes, allowing you to continue as long as you're comfortable and wrap up whenever one of the bells sounds.


Home Practice Materials

Worksheets: You can download the worksheets and print them off or fill them out on your computer, or click to open them in a new window and write your answers in your notebook.

All Lesson 2 Worksheets  ZIP format
Body Scan Worksheet  PDF or Word
Mindfulness of Pleasant Experiences Calendar  PDF or Word
Home Practice Record Form  PDF or Word

Mindfulness Meditations and Practices:

Lesson 2 Audio ZIP File