Online MBCT/MBSR Lesson 1

Introduction to Mindfulness Worksheet

Take a few minutes to complete the Introduction to Mindfulness Worksheet below in your notebook, or open or download a PDF or Word version.

Introduction to Mindfulness Worksheet

Mindfulness Currently In Your Life

  1. Thinking about a typical day, when/how often are you mindful and paying attention to whatever you’re doing in the present moment, rather than allowing your mind to wander?
Mindfulness and Types of Activities
  1. Do you tend to be more mindful during pleasant, unpleasant or neutral activities?
  3. Are there any particular activities that you’re more likely to be mindful while doing?
  4. Are there any particular activities that you’re unlikely to be mindful while doing?
  5. Are there any activities you intentionally do mindfully?
Mind Wandering
  1. When your mind wanders, does it tend to want to pleasant, unpleasant or neutral topics?
  2. Are there any particular unpleasant topics your mind gravitates towards? (Either specific subject like work stress, relationship issues, etc.; or certain types of thoughts like worrying, dwelling on things, replaying conversations in your head, etc.)